Join Membership

Welcome to the Asia Art Inifinity (AAI) community for Artists and Business Owners.

By joining AAI Artist membership program, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Request for Metaverse Project Consultancy session. The duration of the consultancy is dependent on the context and needs of the project. (typically, not more than 3 hours per week, and max twice per month)
  2. Submit Artwork information for NFT listing. The required content of the Artwork must be provided via email contact.
  3. Participate in AAI events, seminars, and workshops. Members enjoy a discount rate as compared to the public fees.
  4. You can join via PalPal (i.e. by Credit Card) or buy NFT via OpenSea.

Business Owner VIP Member Pass

By joining AAI Business VIP program, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Request for Metaverse Project Consultancy session. The duration of the consultancy is dependent on the context and needs of the project. (typically, not more than 3 hours per week, and max twice per month)
  2. Submit Artwork or Product information for NFT listing. The required content of the Artwork and Product must be provided via email contact.
  3. Participate in AAI events, seminars, and workshops. Members enjoy a discount rate as compared to the public fees.
  4. Join special Business events organized by AAI
  5. You can join via PalPal (i.e. by Credit Card) or buy NFT via OpenSea.

Once you have joined our membership program, we will contact you via email with more information on the required details for listing your NFTs.

Thank you.